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Original price was: ₹ 6,000.00.Current price is: ₹ 3,500.00.

*Forceful ejaculation!

*Potency and fertility enhancement!

* Significant rise in quantity of sperm!

10 in stock


Vimax Capsule is a powerful and natural herbal male enhancement supplement that helps to increase sexual desire and endurance. Formulated from specially selected herbs found around the world, when taken as recommended Vimax Capsule has been shown to improve male sexual performance, helping men achieve stronger and longer lasting erections.

After over ten years on the market, Vimax Capsule is one of the oldest and most reputable brands of enhancers. Vimax Capsule is also one of the most popular male enhancement products available on the market today. Pharmaceutical drugs for erectile dysfunction merely enable an erection, but do not affect your overall satisfaction and enjoyment. Vimax Pills male enhancement pills are different in that Vimax customers have reported not just heightened erection quality, but increased sexual desire and sexual satisfaction for both men and their partners. Vimax  penis pills are 100% Safe and Natural. Only the highest quality herbal ingredients from around the world are used in the manufacture of Vimax Tablet.

We are happy to say that our product is used by men aged from 18-78 years old, with no customer reports of side effects. Without our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of product research, development and manufacturing, such powerful results across such a widespread age group would not be possible. Vimax Pills is a powerful and natural herbal male enhancement supplement that helps to increase sexual desire , improves erectile dysfunction and endurance.

Side Effect: No Side Effects reported till date.

How to use Take 1 pill a day in the morning with water. Also if you wish to enhance your sexual performance take 1 pill 30 minutes before sexual activity. Vimax Pills users all over India!


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