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Original price was: ₹ 35,000.00.Current price is: ₹ 18,500.00.

👉 Dive into a world of unparalleled intimacy with our male sex doll, meticulously crafted with a half-body design philosophy.
👉 Featuring lifelike breasts and intricately detailed genitalia,
👉 every touch on the doll’s skin texture feels astonishingly real,
👉 elevating your intimate experiences to new heights.
👉  Rs.3600/- Advance Remaining COD Possible.

18 in stock


❤️ Regular maintenance and cleaning will help to keep your torso doll in good condition and prolong its life.
❤️ In addition, effective cleaning can prevent the formation and spread of mold, thus protecting your health.
❤️ Here, we’ve compiled a quick guide on how to clean a torso sex doll, and by following these tips, you can use it safely and easily.
