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Original price was: ₹ 1,200.00.Current price is: ₹ 700.00.

Meterial Maca Root, Tongkat Ali
Colour Gold
Quantity 5 ml
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2 in stock

  • chk Available for cash on delivery
  • Delivered within Delivered within 3-5 business days
  • Hygienically stored Hygienically stored and packed
  • 100% discreet 100% discreet delivery
  •  Serving India Serving India since 2008

Spanish Gold Fly is 100% Safe,No Side Effects Natural and Herbal The ancient legend of Spanish Fly being a sexual Aphrodisiac is one of the best well known types used for Sexual Enhancement and helping to improve Arousal and to Increase Sex Drive in Women still to this every day. The truly real Spanish Fly of decades ago, involved crushing up beetles that are dry and developed into direct. When this dirt is absorbed, the cantharid in it causes the kidney program to be frustrated as it is designed out of the body system through the urinary tract. Today it is highly regulated and manufactured under safe and secure hygienic conditions within pharmaceutical laboratories.
It is available in the form of a liquid which can be mixed into any beverage. Full Instructions on the box suggest taking 5 ml of Spanish Gold Fly 20 minutes before engaging in Sexual Intercourse.Sex Toys In India Spanish Gold Fly contains natural ingredients that help to boost Female sexual desire and Enhancement along with increased sex drive. Women will wake up to a volcanic eruption of ultimate passion and a feeling of intense sexual desire and lust. Women can take Spanish Gold Fly on a when required basis.

Spanish Fly Drops excites tingles and tantalizes your body in a way that will drive you and your Sex partner crazy. It will bring about sweet perfection between the bed sheets and bring your love life to a sexual level you never thought was achievable! The observed effects for Women after taking 5 ml are; Feel More Relaxed Face appears flushed and with slight redness Feeling Hot Sweating in Women with signs of Sexual Arousal More of a Rapid Heartbeat Your Breathing gets Deeper Your Body has Stronger feelings of Sexual Desire Men will have possible Stronger Erections.

Specification: 1 Box contains 5ml Liquid Sachet

Take orally 5 ml, 20 – 30 minutes before sexual activity. Can be mixed with any drink such as Wine, Coffee, Tea, and Alcohol etc. For best effects use in low-alcoholic drinks or soft drink (not soda drinks)


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