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Original price was: ₹ 132,000.00.Current price is: ₹ 98,000.00.

👉 Height: 100cm
👉 Weight: 20kg
👉 Bust / Waist / Hip: 106cm/63.5cm/71cm
👉 Material:TPE
👉 Sexual Intercourse: Vaginal sex and anal sex
👉 Skeleton: Steel skeleton with movable Joints

50 in stock

❤ The front, back, left and right of the waist have a 30° range of motion.
❤ The front, back, left and right of the head have a 30° range of motion.
❤ Forward and backward direction for thigh has a 70° range of motion.
❤ The range of motion before and after the calf is 45°.
❤ The ankle should have a 45° up and down range of motion.
❤ The angle of boom should have 90° range of motion while angle of front & end should have 80° range of motion.
❤ The movable angle of the forearm should have 60° range of motion, while the limit for left-right is 45° range of motion.
❤ Palm activity should have 65° range of motion.